*St. Thomas Tigers Basketball Open Gym for incoming 4th – 8th grade boys and girls will take place on the following Monday evenings in the Robert H. Trost Gym from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Enter on the south side of the school; double doors on the north side of the playground.
Monday, June 13th
Monday, June 27th
Monday July 11th
Monday July 25th
Monday, August 8th
*Philo Kids Parade…PTO will have a float in the Philo parade this Saturday, June 11th. The parade starts at 11:00 a.m.; please arrive at 10:45 a.m. All STS families and students are encouraged to ride/walk in the parade for this fun event. It is a “Summer” theme so wear your spirit gear or a Hawaiian shirt. Please bring candy to throw. Lineup will take place in front of the Thelma Melohn Gym, facing east, and will end at the 4-way stop by the Philo Tavern. We look forward to seeing everyone Saturday morning!
*PTO is in the process of compiling a list/database of subject matter experts willing to assist our teachers in the classroom with various topics. Teachers will be able to search and utilize these contacts to assist with curriculum planning and engage with family and community members as well. If you would be willing to share your talents as a guest speaker or subject matter expert, we invite you to complete the form via this link https://forms.gle/ArRpDjDTCResJYyC7 . Please go to this website before Monday morning if possible.
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, May 23rd was Ray Zumbahlen. He won $50. It was sold by the Zumbahlen family. Congratulations!
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, May 30th was Laura Punke. She won $50. It was sold by the Miller family. Congratulations!
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Friday, June 3rd was Mike & Shelly Clennon. They won $100. It was sold by the Sheehan family. Congratulations!
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, June 6th was Heather Ruthstrom. She won $50. It was sold by the Ruthstrom family. Congratulations!
Saturday, June 11th
*10:45 a.m.—Line up for the Philo Kids Parade/Thelma Melohn Gym
Monday, June 13th
*6:00 p.m.—St. Thomas Tigers Basketball Open Gym/Robert H. Trost Gym
**Thank you to everyone who participated in the Penny Wars this past month for new athletic uniforms. With your help, we were able to raise $5,720.50!!! WOW!!! The 3rd grade class ended up with the most points and won the class pizza party…congratulations!
*Did your child miss out on a yearbook last year? If so, please contact Mrs. Cain in the school office. We have some extras to sell. tcain@stthomasphilo.org
**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.
**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile. If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice. A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/37-1229329. Thanks in advance for your support. Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.
Live, Love, and Serve as Christ