2022 Graduates

Friday, May 20, 2022


*Congratulations to our 8th Graders who will graduate tonight from St. Thomas Catholic School at 6:00 p.m. at St. Thomas Church.  All are invited to Mass this evening.


*Congratulations to our 8th grader, Riley Hogan, who became the 1A State Pole Vault champion this past weekend!  He also placed 3rd in 110m hurdles and 6th in the 800m events.  What a great job Riley!  We are so proud of you.


*Thank you to everyone who participated in the Penny Wars this past month for new athletic uniforms.  With your help, we were able to raise $5,720.50!!!   WOW!!!  The 3rd grade class ended up with the most points and won the class pizza party…congratulations!  They will be enjoying their pizza party this coming Monday, May 23rd for lunch.


*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, May 16th was Jerod Flessnor.  He won $50.  It was sold by the Hershberger family.  Congratulations!


 Friday, May 20th

*Aftercare Program…pick up in the back of school near the playground or in Room 12.

*6:00 p.m.—8th Grade Graduation Mass/St. Thomas Church/All are Invited


Monday, May 23rd

*Spirit Wear Day

*1st Grade Field Trip

*5th/6th Grade Field Trip

*7th Grade Field Trip

*3rd Grade Pizza Party/Penny Wars Winner

*Calendar Drawing ($50)

*8:15 a.m.—Changing of the Track & Cross Country Boards/John Schumacher Gym

*Consider Bringing a Donation for a Hazen Park Brick

*Yearbook orders due to school office


Tuesday, May 24th

*Dress Down Day/School Appropriate

*4th Grade Band

*5th Grade Band

*Consider Bringing a Donation for a Hazen Park Brick


Wednesday, May 25th

*Dress Down Day for Fun Day/School Appropriate

*Field Day/Fun Day

*Consider Bringing a Donation for a Hazen Park Brick


Thursday, May 26th

*Last Day of School

*No Aftercare Program (PK-8th)

*Dress Down Day/School Appropriate

*8:30 a.m.—Children’s Mass for K-7th grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video

*After Mass—5th – 7th Grade Honors/St. Thomas Church

*11:45 a.m.—School Dismissal (PK-8th)

*5:30 p.m.—Education Commission Meeting/St. Dominic Room

*Consider Bringing a Donation for a Hazen Park Brick


Friday, May 27th

*No School

*Happy Summer Break



**PTO is in the process of compiling a list/database of subject matter experts willing to assist our teachers in the classroom with various topics. Teachers will be able to search and utilize these contacts to assist with curriculum planning and engage with family and community members as well. If you would be willing to share your talents as a guest speaker or subject matter expert, we invite you to complete the form via this link  https://forms.gle/ArRpDjDTCResJYyC7 . Please go to this website before Monday morning if possible. 


**Yearbooks Are On Sale Now!!!  Send your order form back to the school office by Tuesday, May 24th.  The school will bill your FACTS account. 


*Did your child miss out on a yearbook last year?  If so, please contact Mrs. Cain in the school office.  We have some extras to sell.  tcain@stthomasphilo.org


**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.


**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile.  If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice.  A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link:  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/37-1229329.  Thanks in advance for your support.  Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.


 Live, Love, and Serve as Christ