Friday, April 29, 2022
*Aftercare Parents – The May Staff Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, May 4th instead of Tuesday, May 3rd. Please make plans now for there will be no Aftercare on Wednesday, May 4th.
*STS Appreciation Week will take place next week. Please help PTO by signing up to donate or help during this time to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate all that they do! You can follow the Sign-Up Genius link or email PTO at Be sure to also follow our Facebook page!
*PTO planning is underway for the month of May! They are looking forward to ending the year with sunshine and smiles for both our teachers/staff and students!
Below, you will find the lineup of events for STS Appreciation Week, starting as early as this Friday. Also, here are some additional links that may be helpful.
STS Appreciation Shout out to Staff & Teachers
STS Appreciation Week Sign up Genius for Volunteers and Food/Snacks/etc
STS Favorites and Amazon Wish List
PTO Family Survey
*The next PTO meeting will be Wednesday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. in the John Schumacher Gym.
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, April 25th was Ron Estes. He won $50. It was sold by the Wiesbrook Family. Congratulations!
SAW=Staff Appreciation Week
Friday, April 29th
*2:45 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.—SAW-Stock the Fridge
Sunday, May 1st
*Noon to 2:00 p.m.—SAW-Decorate a Door and/or Stock the Fridge
Monday, May 2nd
*SAW-7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. – Coffee Bar for Staff/Schumacher Kitchen
*Spirit Wear Day
*2nd/3rd Grade Field Trip
*Calendar Drawing ($50)
*8:30 a.m.—Scrip Orders Due
Tuesday, May 3rd
*SAW-National Teacher Appreciation Day/Teacher Appreciation Day
*SAW-Bring a Note/Post-It of Appreciation for your teacher(s)
*SAW-Taco Bar Luncheon for Staff/Schumacher Kitchen
*4th Grade Band
*5th Grade Band
*2:00 p.m.—Track Illini Conference/Rantoul
Wednesday, May 4th
*SAW-Sparkle & Shine with Appreciation
*SAW-Car Window Washing & Frozen Treats for Staff
*No Aftercare Program (K-5th)
*No Jr. High Homework Club (6th-8th)
*8:30 a.m.—All School Rosary (K-8th)/Robert H. Trost Gym/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video
*8:00 p.m.—Ladies Volleyball/Robert H. Trost Gym
Thursday, May 5th
*SAW-7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.—Breakfast Bar for Staff/Schumacher Kitchen
*5th Grade Band
*Advanced Band
Friday, May 6th
*SAW—Bring a flower to your teacher
*SAW—Consider donating towards an Overtime Nutrition Drink for Staff/Drop off $ at School Office
*Bring a flower for May Crowing
*Kth – 8th Grade…wear Mass Day Attire
*2nd Grade…wear 1st Communion Clothes for Mass
*8th Grade…wear Dress Clothes for Mass
*4th Grade Band
*Advanced Band
*Student Donut Day/Bring $
*7:30 a.m.—Bucket Drumming
*9:00 a.m.—Children’s Mass for 4th – 8th grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video
*Calendar Drawing ($100)
Saturday, May 7th
*9:00 a.m.—Sectional Track Meet/Judah Christian’s Field of Dreams)
**PTO is in the process of compiling a list/database of subject matter experts willing to assist our teachers in the classroom with various topics. Teachers will be able to search and utilize these contacts to assist with curriculum planning and engage with family and community members as well. If you would be willing to share your talents as a guest speaker or subject matter expert, we invite you to complete the form via this link.
**Volunteers are needed to help with the Hotdog Luncheons scheduled for May 16th. Please contact Jackie Grandone at
**Ladies Volleyball will take place on Wednesday evenings. The next time they will play will be Wednesday, May 4th at 8:00 p.m. in the Robert H. Trost Gym at St. Thomas School. All ladies are invited to come and play a few games of volleyball. Please park by the playground and come through the side door of the Robert H. Trost Gym. All are welcome.
**Preschool Parents….remember to turn in your Summer Camp forms soon if you plan on sending your child to our summer camp program this year.
**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.
**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile. If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice. A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link: Thanks in advance for your support. Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.
Live, Love, and Serve as Christ