Sunday, March 27, 2022
*Ladies Volleyball will take place starting this Wednesday, March 30th at 8:00 p.m. in the Robert H. Trost Gym at St. Thomas School. All ladies are invited to come and play a few games of volleyball. Please park by the playground and come through the side door of the Robert H. Trost Gym. All are welcome.
*Preschool Parents….remember to turn in your Summer Camp forms soon if you plan on sending your child to our summer camp program this year.
*Registration Forms for Current Students 1st – 8th Grades….remember to turn in your registration forms soon. Pay registration fees by April 1st for a chance to win a $100 gift card or by April 8th for a chance to win a $50 gift card.
*Donut Day will take place on Friday, April 1st. All donations will be for a Cup of Joe for a Joe! Thank you in advance for your support.
*Help support our Athletic Department…K-8th grade parents…don’t forget to fill out your Hotdog Lunch form which was sent out to all parents via the school email on March 24th. If you have any questions, please call or email Mrs. Cain at Don’t miss out on a hotdog luncheon!
*Volunteers are needed to help with the Hotdog Luncheons scheduled for April 11th and May 16th. Please contact Jackie Grandone at
*The STM Interact Club’s 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Sunday, April 10th from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the St. Thomas More Football Field. All proceeds go to Orphan’s Treasure Box…please bring a book to donate! It will take place rain or shine…walkups are welcome. Registration form: Any questions, contact the club president at
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, March 21st was Kathy Painter. She won $50. It was sold by the Cain Family. Congratulations!
Monday, March 28th
*Spirit Wear Day
*Staff Appreciation Luncheon/Provided by PTO
*Calendar Drawing ($50)
Tuesday, March 29th
*2nd Grade Field Trip
*8th Grade Field Trip
*4th Grade Band
*5th Grade Band
Wednesday, March 30th
*5th & 6th Grade Field Trip
*Kindergarten through 3rd Grade…wear Mass Day Attire
*8:30 a.m.—Children’s Mass for K-3rd grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video
*10:00 a.m.—Children’s Stations of the Cross (4th; 7th & 8th Gr)…Closed to the public due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
*5:30 p.m.—Education Commission Meeting/St. Dominic Room
*8:00 p.m.—Ladies Volleyball/Robert H. Trost Gym
Thursday, March 31st
*5th Grade Band
*Advanced Band
*2:00 p.m.—Children’s Stations of the Cross (K-3rd)…Closed to the public due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions.
Friday, April 1st
*4th Grade Band
*Advanced Band
*Donut Day…bring a donation for a Cup of Joe for a Joe!
*4th-8th Grade…wear Mass Day Attire
*7:30 a.m.—Bucket Drumming
*8:30 a.m.—Children’s Mass for 4th-8th grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video
*8:30 a.m.—Scrip orders due to school office
*Calendar Drawing ($100)
*6:30 p.m.—Fish Fry/John Schumacher Gym/All are Invited
**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.
**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile. If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice. A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link: Thanks in advance for your support. Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.
Live, Love, and Serve as Christ!