*STS Trivia Night will be back in person this year!!! It will take place next weekend, Saturday, March 5th, with doors of the Robert H. Trost Gym at St. Thomas School opening at 5:00 p.m. and Trivia starting at 6:00 p.m.
--Table Package Registrations are now available by registering at https://event.gives/22trivia. Participants must be at least 21 years of age. The registration price of $225 per table includes up to 8 players per table, Dead or Alive Game, and a Mulligan per round. Register as soon as possible.
--Sponsor the Night…would you or your company be interested in helping sponsor this year’s Trivia Night at St. Thomas School with a minimum donation of $200? If so, please email or call Tracy Cain in the school office soon at tcain@stthomasphilo.org or 217.684.2309.
--Auction Items are needed for our upcoming Trivia Night! We are looking for gift cards, scratch-off lottery tickets, gift card trees, scratch-off lottery trees, themed “baskets”, and/or any auction items of value for our online auction which will take place the evening of Saturday, March 5th. The auction will be open to all participants and to the general public as well.
--Volunteers Needed…if you are interested in helping in any way with Trivia Night (before, during, or after), please sign up on the link below or email or call Tracy Cain in the school office at tcain@stthomasphilo.org or 217.684.2309. It takes a ‘helping’ village to make this event a success. Volunteers need to be at least 21 years of age to help the night of the event.
--Not Able to Attend? Like to Participate? You are in LUCK whether you are near or far! Participate in our 50/50 Raffle, bid on nice auction items, and/or win your favorite STS classroom a pizza party by logging on at 6:00 p.m. on March 5th at https://event.gives/22trivia. First ‘Register’ and then select the events you would like to participate in…try all THREE for STS! Questions before or during event, call 217.621.4648.
*STM Spring Preview Night…Come one, come all! STM Spring Preview Night will take place on Tuesday, March 1st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come and hear from the administration, get an overview of the admissions process, take a campus tour, and meet your future teachers, coaches, and mentors.
*Catholic Charities and Jan Blaney, Food Pantry Coordinator, would like to thank the St. Thomas School families for their donation of 1,840 pounds of food to the food pantry at St. Patrick Parish Center during Catholic Schools Week. A special thanks to everyone for your donations, for the families that helped transport the food from Philo to Tolono and helped stock the food at the pantry.
*Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule
St. Thomas Church/Philo
7:00 a.m.—Ash Wednesday Mass w/Ashes
Noon—Ash Wednesday Mass w/Ashes
St. Mary’s Church/Pesotum
7:00 a.m.—Communion Service w/Ashes
6:30 p.m.—Ash Wednesday Mass w/Ashes
*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, February 21st was Debbie Reinhart! She won $50. It was sold by the Miller Family. Congratulations!
Friday, February 25th
*6:00 p.m.—8th Grade Night for Volleyball/Robert H. Trost Gym
*6:00 p.m.—Home Volleyball Game vs. Next Generation (6th & 8th)/Robert H. Trost Gym
Monday, February 28th
*Spirit Wear Day
*Calendar Drawing ($50)
Tuesday, March 1st
*4th Gr. Beginning Band
*5th Gr. Beginning Band
*Hot Lunch (K-8th)—Chicken Strips
*8:30 a.m.—Scrip Order Due to kwebb@stthomasphilo.org.
*6:00 p.m.—7th Grade Volleyball Regionals at Chrisman
Wednesday, March 2nd
*K-8th Grade…wear Mass Day Attire
*9:00 a.m.—Children’s Mass for K-8th grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video
Thursday, March 3rd
*5th Grade Beginning Band
*Advanced Band
Friday, March 4th
*Advanced Band
*4th Grade Beginning Band
*7:30 a.m.—Bucket Drumming
*Student Donut Day/Bring a $1
*Calendar Drawing ($100)
*5:00 p.m.—Stations of the Cross at St. Mary’s Church/Pesotum
Saturday, March 5th
*9:00 a.m.—8th Grade Volleyball Regionals at St. Malachy
*5:00 p.m.—Trivia Night Doors Open
*6:00 p.m.—Trivia Night Starts
**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.
**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile. If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice. A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/37-1229329. Thanks in advance for your support. Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.
Live, Love, and Serve as Christ!