1st Grade Christmas Program

Friday, December 3, 2021           



*PK – 2nd Grade Christmas Program is this Sunday, December 5th at 2:00 p.m. in the Robert H. Trost Gym.  


*3rd – 5th Grade & Band & Choir Program will take place on Wednesday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m. in the Robert H. Trost Gym. 


*Due to the monthly staff meeting this coming Tuesday, December 7th, there will be no Aftercare Program or Jr. High Homework Club.  


*STS has as a silent fundraiser a gift card program.  If you are looking to purchase gift cards as Christmas gifts this year, consider ordering through STS.  How does it work?


1.  Go to www.shopwithscrip.com and find their retail list on the bottom of page one.

2.  Email Kathy Webb at STS your order (kthorson@stthomasphilo.org).

3.  The order should consist of the name of the retailer…the dollar amount…number of gift cards you are ordering.

4.  The order will be in approximately 3 days after the submission date and you will purchase them for face value.  The school will get a percentage of each order from Shopwithscrip.

5.  Kathy will email you when they arrive and let you know how they will be delivered to you.

6.  Submission Dates are as follows for the Christmas season:  


Monday, December 6th

Monday, December 13th

Happy Shopping With STS!


*2022 STS Raffle Calendars went home today with students…we would ask each family to sell at least the five calendars that were sent home.  Our goal is to sell 750 calendars before the end of January.  In order for this to happen, we would appreciate if every family could help us reach this goal by selling more than the five calendars.  Just email the school office to tcain@stthomasphilo.org with how many more calendars you would like the office to send home with your child.  Thank you so much for your support.  All of our fundraisers help keep our tuition rates affordable.


*Student Elves are invited to ride along on the STS float on Friday, December 10th in the Philo Christmas Parade.  Dress in your best elf attire and come sing-a-long for all to hear!  Meet at 6:30 p.m. at the RE Franks Center Downtown Philo (West Side of Building).  Contact Sara Lane with any questions at 217-821-5007.  


*Calendar/Raffle Tickets….our winner for Monday, November 29th was Kenny & Joanie Bonnell!    They won $50.  It was sold by the Reifsteck family.  Congratulations!


Sunday, December 5th

*2:00 p.m.—PK-2nd Grade Christmas Program/Robert H. Trost Gym


Monday, December 6th

*Calendar Drawing ($50)

*8:30 a.m.—Scrip Gift Card Orders Due to school office (kthorson@stthomasphilo.org) *Spirit Wear Day


Tuesday, December 7th

*4th Grade Band

*Advance Band

*No Aftercare Program (K-5th)

*No Jr. High Homework Club (6th-8th)


Wednesday, December 8th

*Kindergarten through 8th Grade…wear Mass Day Attire

*9:00 a.m.—Children’s Mass for K-8th  grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video


Thursday, December 9th

*Advanced Band

*5th Grade Beginning Band

*11:00 a.m.—All School Rosary to Celebrate Venerable Fulton Sheen/Robert H. Trost Gym

*5:30 p.m.—Boys Basketball Game at Next Generation (6th & 8th


 Friday, December 10th

*Faculty/Staff Christmas Gift Envelopes are due to the school office (This is a traditional monetary gift program that STS has for gift giving to Faculty & Staff)

*4th – 8th Grades…wear Mass Day Attire

*Advanced Band

*4th Grade Beginning Band

*7:30 a.m.—Bucket Drumming

*8:30 a.m.—Children’s Mass for 4th-8th grade students…Closed to the public due to Covid-19/Live Streamed on school website under Parent Resources…under Mass Video

*6:30 p.m.—Meet Downtown Philo to ride the STS Christmas Float


**Consider signing up for Casey Rewards and naming St. Thomas School as your preferred school to receive Casey’s Reward Points.


**St. Thomas School is part of AmazonSmile.  If you shop with Amazon, please name our school as your charity of choice.  A fast and easy way to find St. Thomas School is by using the following link:  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/37-1229329.  Thanks in advance for your support.  Please be sure to turn on AmazonSmile if you are using an app for your orders.


 Live, Love, and Serve as Christ!