What is SCRIP?
Gift Cards
SCRIP is a gift card purchasing program that allows you to purchase gift cards to use at your favorite stores and restaurants. You then shop with those gift cards just as you would with cash. SCRIP gift cards are available for hundreds of national retail stores, gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, and more. Purchasing gift cards through the SCRIP program is easy, and it costs you nothing extra. You only pay the face value for your gift cards, and our school earns a percentage of the value of each gift card you purchase. Purchasing gift cards through the SCRIP program is a fun, easy way to support our school. Click on the SCRIP Retailers tab below to see the many different gift cards available. St. Thomas School enrollment code is 549CFLD212891.

SCRIP Retailers

Earnings that Add Up
A percentage of each gift card you purchase through the SCRIP program goes directly to our school, and the gift cards you purchase don't cost you any extra money! You are simply purchasing the gift cards through SCRIP rather than from the store restaurant/gas station itself. 

To purchase SCRIP gift cards, please contact Kathy Webb at

​SCRIP gift card orders are due on the 1st and 15th of every month.