Education Commission


Education Commission Members

​TBD, Chairperson
Mrs. Emily Kampmueller

Mrs. Missy LeFaivre
Mr. Tim Osterbur
Mrs. Christine Schwenk
Mr. Nick Unser

Mrs. Jordan White
Mrs. Devin Brocksmith
Ms. Kristy Geier
Mrs. Courtney Grussing

Ex Officio Education Commission Members

Fr. Keith Walder, Pastor
Ms. Jean Holmes, Principal
Dcn. Don Koeberlein, DRE
Mrs. Jean Cain, Trustee
Mr. Jim Deters, Trustee
Mrs. Beth Pugh, Athletic Director

The Commission serves in an advisory role to the Pastor and Principal and has its own bylaws. It functions in collaboration with dioceses, religious congregations, bishops, pastors, and school administrators, by acting as fiduciaries for the Catholic community and by providing long-range direction for the school.

The Commission's purpose is:

  • To assure fidelity to the school's mission

  • To ensure organizational effectiveness

  • To serve as a positive voice for the school

  • To provide resources for the school/connect the school to resources

  • To provide for collaboration, participation, ownership, and common vision

  • To enable leadership

  • To provide guidance in strategic planning

Education Commission meetings are held as scheduled on the school's academic calendar during selected months throughout the school year. All are invited to attend to observe meetings without advance notice unless the Commission is in executive session. Anyone wishing to speak to the Commission must be placed on the agenda. If you would like to add an item to the meeting agenda, please contact the Education Commission Chairperson or Principal at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.  

Members of the Education Commission, appointed by the Pastor(s), serve on the Commission for a three-year term with an option to serve for a second term. The terms of members are staggered so that up to one-third of the Commission members may be departing each year. All members of St. Thomas School's affiliated parishes and school parents are eligible to be Commission members.